
Release Notes 3.2.0


Faster and More Relevant PDF Exports Than Ever

The organization of your attachments has been redesigned to accurately reflect the audit process, ensuring a clear and consistent structure. Furthermore, we have significantly speed up and optimized the PDF generation process, making this operation smoother.

Additionally, We’ve fixed various bug to improve users experiences:

  • Emails are no longer sent in triplicate
  • In the event of an unexpected stop, generation resumes where it left off
  • Two attachments can no longer have the same name

We Heard You

We have taken into account your valuable feedback to improve the PDFs of your work sheets.

  • The parameters for extracting your accounting data are now displayed for the spreadsheets.
  • The chart summarizing your inherent risks is now displayed
  • Conclusions of the internal control and inherent risks are now only present in step 2.
  • The responses “Low“, “Medium“, and “High” are now displayed in your questionnaires to assess risk during your missions
  • The scale table is included in the PDF, indicating the tier involved
  • The multi-year follow-ups that you have archived are now hidden, for greater clarity

Your work sheets, more refined than ever

Find your work sheets, more refined than ever, allowing you to focus on what’s essential without distraction! You can now work on your Excel sheets in a separate tab from your sheets. The “DreamAudit in Excel” panel is no longer displayed in non-Excel documents.

Bugs-Busters operation

To continue optimizing our platform and respond to your specific needs, we have made several updates and corrections. Among these developments, you will find adjustments that make the user experience even more fluid and intuitive.

  • Edit the audit approach more conveniently by saving without refreshing the entire page.
  • You can now integrate the position of the first director listed in the Direction sheet (DP1.6) into your documents (variable PostDirigeant#1)
  • The filter for the pre-configured assistant of the DR.A12 Clients AAE sheet has been corrected
  • We have updated the Charity and Society Modules on the order of sections of the preliminary analytical review